Why Should I Choose AdeprosperTv For Promoting my music?

Great Ranking on Google / Yahoo search

Google is the most popular search engine on the net. Each day, millions of people visit Google.com in hopes of finding more information about a product or service. They do this by entering keywords or search phrases. Google then produces a list of related websites. Google has developed a complex algorithm that determines the importance and placement of each website. From Google’s perspective, websites that appear closer to the top are deemed “more important.”

There are a variety of factors that determine a website’s ranking.
Some of the major factors are:

1. Age of the Website
Older and more established websites apparently outrank new websites.

2. Link Popularity (amount of other websites that link to the site)

3. Structure of the Website
Does the site have a good theme/silo structure?

4. Keyword Density (A specific type of keyword search eg. “AdeprosperTv music download”)

5. Directory Inclusion: Is the website listed in the major directories?

6. Effective Use of Meta, Description and Alt Tags

7. The list goes on and on…seriously!
Please note, I am not suggesting that my website appears on the 1st page for every single search phrase. That’s impossible. For instance, if you visit google.com and enter the title of your music, this particular page from my website comes as #1, but may not be so for all search queries.



AdeprosperTv is the right platform ✓ for you to promote your music on. You are at the right place. ✓✓
Send us your song for publication and/or promotion on this platform to be discovered by many across the continent and beyond who constantly visit our website.

PRE – RELEASE ARTICLE PUBLICATION (For artiste Profiling, Events, UPCOMING Music or Video Release)

Increasing your available (digitally) as an artiste is very important. We can help you publish your profile on this platform and also publish an article for you concerning upcoming Music, Video, Comedy or Event.


Maybe your song is ready and you wish to publish or promote on our platform, you are free to do so. Send us your music (Audio Only) directly through adeprospertv@gmail.com, adhering to the following specifications:

-Audio (mp3 format)
-Song art
-Full Artiste name
-Contact Number
-Social media handle (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) [Optional]
-A detailed description of the song (or Press release) [Optional]
-Link to video on YouTube (If video is available)

We will therefore send you the list of the available websites for you to choose the website where you want to get your music on.

NB: After your song is sent, kindly contact  us CLICK HERE via WhatsApp for confirmation and payment details. Once this is done, your song will be published and link sent to you